...real transformation experience delivering real savings in cost & time

What we offer

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Given the combination of business and IT experience we are able to offer, Transformosys is especially well placed to provide support to clients to ensure they successfully progress through all stages of their own transformation and change initiatives.

As well as a comprehensive appreciation of 'what good looks like' in terms of IT delivery, we can also provide guidance and assistance drawn from hard-earned personal experience on how the line business should best interact and involve itself with such an initiative - for example through clear and effective governance, active business sponsorship, well-defined lines of accountability, and first class change management and business readiness planning – and on all the different issues that the business teams are likely to face as the programme unfolds.

       Particular aspects of Change and Transformation activities where we are especially well-placed to provide input include:

Set-Up & Design - regarding the initiative, developing a we can help in achieving clarity around your Vision and objectives, ensuring you have real alignment with key stakeholderscompelling and deliverable business case, putting in place an appropriate Governance Structure and Programme Model, separating the overall initiative into a feasible ‘Roadmap’ of logically sequenced component parts, which we can then help you set up appropriately, and establishing ongoing performance monitoring mechanisms to ensure the programme progresses to plan, and that it achieves the intended strategic objectives.  MORE  ON SET-UP & DESIGN



Guidance on the approach to component parts of the initiative, such as orchestrating the business and organisational change aspects of the activity, managing some of the human dynamics of such complex programmes, putting in place a viable benefits realisation framework, or developing an appropriate risk management approach.  MORE ON COMPONENTS

Independent Assurance Reviews & Healthchecks - given our expertise, we know the right questions to ask, and therefore can provide you with an informed, independent view of the health of the initiative you are undertaking.  We have developed a structured methodology and a set of 'Healthcheck' tools to assist with these reviews.  MORE ON HEALTHCHECKS

Training, Coaching & Mentoring for key players involved in the initiative.  We can offer tailored training courses to meet your specific needs, as well as ongoing independent support and counsel to key programme participants.  MORE ON TRAINING

Support in selecting and working with a delivery partner – we have considerable expertise as buyers of such services, and are therefore ideally placed to provide you with an objective view of the market.  We can provide a tried and tested methodology to support delivery partner selection, guidance on how best to structure the partner arrangement, and insight on the issues and risks you are likely to face in progressing the partner relationship successfully.  If requested, we can also provide an independent view on the merits of different potential delivery partners.   MORE ON PARTNERS
Outsourcing & Offshoring – we have extensive experience of directing such initiatives and working with different vendors, on-shore and offshore, and leading the organisational transformation necessary arcross the organisation.  MORE ON OFFSHORING

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